Dec. 17: Student COVID-19 Update

Dec. 17: Employee COVID-19 Update

Dec. 17: Employee COVID-19 Update



从2021年1月4日开始,在DOW学术中心,公司学习中心和Clarion举行的活动和会议将恢复。将健康和安全保持在最前沿,这些设施将可供出租尽管followingguidelines established by federal, state, and local authorities regarding the pandemic. Following guidance from Governor Greg Abbott’s Open Texas Minimum Standard Health Protocols Checklist, safety precautions include limiting the number of attendees to 75% occupancy, setting up events to promote social distancing, and having buffets fully served or individually plated meals. In addition, the College reserves the right, upon reasonable notice under the circumstances, to cancel or reschedule a rental based upon federal, state, or local government guidance due to the spread of这coronavirus duringpandemic.


Brazosport College health screening process is online for all employees, students, and visitors who come to campus.您需要每天打算来Brazosport College Campus填写问卷。The COVID-19 Health Screening questionnaire can be accessed inEnglish或者西班牙语by。该问卷已被设计为快速且简单地填写,并且可以通过所有Internet浏览器,智能手机和平板电脑轻松访问。

Once completed, you will be shown either a green check mark with “APPROVED FOR ENTRY” if you have passed, or a red exclamation mark with “STAY HOME, STAY SAFE” if you failed, as well as your name, and the date you completed the questionnaire.

Brazosport College已增加对安全监控的关注,以促进社交距离的安全协议,戴着口罩/掩护,练习良好的卫生等。一旦进入校园,就可以使用确认电子邮件或确认屏幕,以了解您已完成的问卷随机被要求显示完成自我筛查工具的证明。

Upon arrival to campus, you will be able to access all parking lots and enter campus through most entrances. To provide clarification, face masks/coverings are required for all students, employees, and visitors (ages 10 and up) any time on campus.To clarify, face shields are not considered face masks/coverings. If an individual chooses to wear a face shield, the individual must also wear a face mask/covering which fully covers the mouth and nose except as allowed in the following exceptions.例外是:如果您在步道上行走,跑步或骑自行车;如果您在车上;如果您一个人在办公室里,门关闭;如果您是一个焊接学生,则积极焊接并戴焊接面罩;而且,如果您是讲师的讲师,除了保持6英尺外,还可以戴上面罩而不是面罩。距离。否则,所有个人,学生,教职员工,员工,地面饲养员和承包商均应戴上口罩/盖子。

Anyone that does not pass the COVID-19 Health Screening questionnaire should not come to campus. Everyone that passes should be prepared to show the confirmation email.

这些程序可能会发生变化,因此您必须检查您的Brazosport College电子邮件对于前往校园之前的更新。

With the continuous rise in positive COVID-19 cases, it is important to remain diligent in following important safety measures to prevent further spread as we conclude the Fall 2020 semester and prepare for the winter break.继续遵循预防COVID-19冠状病毒的CDC指南,其中包括但不限于彻底洗手,避免大型聚会,社交疏远和戴着口罩/掩护。我们的学生,员工和社区的健康和福祉是我们的重中之重。


For individuals needing to self-identify as affected by COVID-19 or notify Brazosport College of COVID-19 incidents involving students, faculty, or staff, please visit//

请note, the COVID-19 Contact/Exposure Report Form is separate and apart from the Health Screening Questionnaire. The COVID-19 Contact/Exposure Form should be completed if you have been exposed to someone or if you have tested positive for COVID-19.


After careful consideration, along with guidance from the Center for Disease Control and the Texas Department of State Health Services, the delivery format of courses will remain altered for the Spring 2021 semester. These changes help promote physical distancing and reduce contact among students, faculty, and staff.


  1. 面对面:传统的校园课程具有社会距离和其他安全预防措施。
  2. 混合:校园和在线教学的课程。
  3. Scheduled Live Online:Online courseswith预定与讲师的实时互动。学生将在指定的上课时间登录。
  4. 在线的:Online courseswithout预定与讲师的实时互动。

If students have questions about their spring BC courses, want to make a change, or want to talk to someone they may。E-counselor services are available from Monday to Thursday from 8 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. and 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Fridays.



Dual Credit students needing registration assistance can emaildualcredit@www.d-onis.com或致电979.230.3633与双信用顾问交谈。可以在双信用页



Brazosport College将在Brazosport College的DOW学术中心提供校园注册援助。这些会议为满足所有大学入学需求提供了个人帮助。大学工作人员将有助于协助申请,咨询和咨询,入学率,经济援助,付款方式,IT和学生服务机会。

One-Stop Registration at the Dow Academic Center at Brazosport College are scheduled for:


In-Person Registration Hours

Friday, January 8

8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.


10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

What should I do before I get there?
Complete anapplication.(如果提出问题,则可以在现场完成申请)。

我应该带任何东西吗?照片的身份证,证明地址和transcr的副本ipts, if you have them.

Disability accommodations needed?带上有关残疾的文书工作。

Financial Aid questions?Specialist will be available to assist with any questions you may have. We also recommend checking out thefinancial aid websitefor more information.


进入West Gator Drive的校园(进入铁轨最近的入口)。在那里,您将收到特定的书面指示。停车后,请留在车上,直到被指示进入道琼斯大学学术中心。完成在线健康筛查问卷,并且始终在校园内始终需要口罩。

计划之外的一站式注册,many offices are available during normal operating hours providing support services to students such as, Admission & Registration, Bookstore, Business Office, Campus Safety, Cashier’s Office, Children’s Center, Counseling & Testing, Facility Services, Financial Aid & Scholarships, Human Resources, Library & Learning Services, Information Technology, School & College Partnership, Tommy’s Catering and Workforce Development.

只需30美元就注册付款计划($ 5首付款 + 25美元的注册费)

No-interest payment plans break down your tuition balance into affordable monthly payments, making your dreams more possible than ever before. Registration for Spring 2021 classes is now open!

To learn more about payment plans,