



Gator Mart直通分配时间

目前正在注册的所有卑诗省学生in the Spring 2021 semester有资格获得Gator Mart的食物。The Gator Mart drive-thru food distribution times are scheduled for tomorrow, Wednesday, February 10th下午4:00 - 6:00和星期四,2月11日thfrom 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.

  • 请携带您的学生身份证和休斯顿食品银行卡(如果有)。注意:只允许学生在周三或周四,而不是两天都可以采摘食物。
  • Distribution will take place in the overhang area of the Sadler Health Sciences Building.
  • To protect the safety of all food recipients and staff, the following guidelines set forth by the CDC and the Houston Food Bank will be followed:
    • 在萨德勒健康科学大楼内开车,停在该地区的桌子旁边。
    • Pre-packed boxes and bags of groceries will be on the table.
    • 离开您的汽车,打开行李箱,然后将杂货加载到树干中。注意不要触摸桌子;只需触摸杂货的盒子和袋子即可。如果您不小心触摸桌子,请提醒其中一名员工,他们离开后会清理桌子。
    • All staff and food recipients will maintain a six-foot distance at all times.

We are eager to serve you. Please contact us directly for further information:


This spring, Brazosport College will continue its participation in a national survey focused on teaching, learning, and retention in community colleges, the Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE). The project is part of the Center for Community College Student Engagement and the Community College Leadership Program at The University of Texas at Austin.



Brazosport College打算成为高等教育领域的领导者,这项调查可以帮助我们提高课程完成率,以及学生的坚持率对完成其教育目标。要了解有关CCSSE访问的更多信息www.ccsse.org, or contact Leslie Cummings, Assistant Research Analyst, Institutional Research, atleslie.cummings@www.d-onis.com


Registration for Spring II 8-week courses is currently open throughMarch 5,2021。课程将于2021年3月15日开始。有关参加春季II课程的更多信息,请访问www.www.d-onis.com/choose



The Spring 2021 Toolkit is a great resource for students to get information about academic support services, virtual events, food and emergency assistance, assistance with technology, getting connected online or in person and many other available resources. Visitwww.www.d-onis.com/toolkitto access these resources.


The Brazosport College CHN Health Center is now open from 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. on Mondays and 1:30 p.m. – 6 p.m. on Tuesdays for BC faculty, staff and students. The CHN Health Center is located in the B Wing of BC Central and can only be accessed from the courtyard near Tommy’s Grill and the BC Bookstore. Appointments can be scheduled by calling (281) 824-1480 or by visitingwww.mychn.org预注册表可以在https://portal.mychn.org/enroll/request_enroll.php。Brazosport College CHN健康中心是一家门诊医疗机构,提供各种服务,包括成人医学,慢性护理管理,行为健康和妇女健康等。CHN接受大多数私人保险,医疗补助,医疗保险和筹码。未投保的人可能有资格根据其家庭规模和家庭收入来获得折扣的自付服务。CHN努力提供最高价值的护理价值,因此为那些没有保险和自付的人提供了可观的好处。


Brazosport学院health screening process is online for all employees, students, and visitors who come to campus.You will need to fill out the questionnaire each day you intend on coming to the Brazosport College campus.The COVID-19 Health Screening questionnaire can be accessed inEnglishorSpanish通过访问www.www.d-onis.com/screen。This questionnaire has been designed to be quick and simple to fill out, and can be easily accessed through all internet browsers, smartphones, and tablets.

一旦完成,您将显示一个绿色的check mark with “APPROVED FOR ENTRY” if you have passed, or a red exclamation mark with “STAY HOME, STAY SAFE” if you failed, as well as your name, and the date you completed the questionnaire.


Brazosport学院has increased focus on safety monitoring to promote safety protocols of social distancing, wearing a face mask/covering, practicing good hygiene, etc. Once on campus, have either the confirmation email or confirmation screen of your completed questionnaire available as you may be asked at random to show proof of completing the self-screening tool.

到达校园后,您将能够进入所有停车场,并通过大多数入口进入校园。为了提供澄清,所有学生,员工和访客(10岁及以上)都需要在校园内的所有学生,员工和访客(10岁及以上)。为了澄清,面罩不被视为面罩/盖子。如果一个人选择戴面罩,则个人还必须戴上口罩/盖子,该面膜/盖完全覆盖嘴巴和鼻子,除非在以下例外允许。The exceptions are: if you are walking, running, or biking on the trails; if you are in your vehicle; if you are alone in your office with the door closed; if you are a welding student actively welding and wearing a welding face shield; and, if you are an instructor lecturing students, you may wear a face shield instead of a face mask in addition to maintaining 6ft. of distance. Otherwise, all individuals, students, faculty, staff, grounds keepers and contractors are to wear a face mask/covering.

For reference, the CDC defines “close contact” as someone who was within 6 feet of an infected person for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period starting from 2 days before illness onset (or, for asymptomatic patients, 2 days prior to test specimen collection) until the time the patient is isolated.

These procedures are subject to change, so it's vital that you check yourBrazosport学院emailfor updates before heading to campus.

With the rise in positive COVID-19 cases across the country, medical experts are reinforcing the importance of use of masks and social distancing.Please continue following the CDC guidelines for prevention of the COVID-19 Coronavirus, which includes, but not limited to, thorough hand washing, social distancing and the wearing of face masks or face coverings.



请注意,COVID-19接触/接触报告Form is separate and apart from the Health Screening Questionnaire. The COVID-19 Contact/Exposure Form should be completed if you have been exposed to someone or if you have tested positive for COVID-19.