


Tue Feb 23, 2021 at 12:00 AM

Gator Mart

所有BC学生目前就读在里面2021年春季学期are eligible for food from Gator Mart.学生还将在本周的Gator Mart上收到一例水。Gator Mart直通食品分配时间定于2月24日(星期三)明天Thfrom 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. and Thursday,February 25Th下午1:00 - 3:00

  • Please bring your student ID card and Houston Food Bank card (if available). NOTE: A student is only allowed to pick-up food on Wednesday or Thursday, not both days.
  • 分销将在萨德勒健康科学大楼的悬垂区域进行。
  • To protect the safety of all food recipients and staff, the following guidelines set forth by the CDC and the Houston Food Bank will be followed:
    • Drive under the Sadler Health Sciences Building overhang and stop next to a table placed in that area.
    • 餐桌上将有预包装的盒子和杂货袋。
    • Exit your car, open your trunk, and load the groceries into your trunk. Be careful not to touch the table; just touch the boxes and bags of groceries. If you accidentally touch the table, alert one of the staff and they will clean the table after you leave.
    • 所有员工和食物接收者将始终保持六英尺的距离。



今年春季,Brazosport College将继续参加一项全国调查,重点是社区学院的教学,学习和保留,社区学院的学生参与调查(CCSSE)。该项目是德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校社区大学学生参与和社区大学领导力计划的一部分。

In the past, the survey was administered to students in randomly selected classes using a paper survey. This year the survey will be administered online to all credit students, 18 years and older.

The student survey runs from February 24, 2021 to March 18, 2021. The faculty survey runs from March 15, 2021 to April 2, 2021. Please look for more information coming soon to your email inbox.

Brazosport College is intent on being a leader in higher education, and this survey can assist us in improving course completion rates, as well as the rate of student persistence to the completion of their educational goals. To learn more about CCSSE visitwww.ccsse.org, or contactLeslie Cummings,机构研究助理研究分析师,ATleslie.cummings@www.d-onis.com


春季II的注册8周课程目前已通过3月5日,2021.Classes will begin March 15, 2021. For more information on enrolling in Spring II courses, visitwww.www.d-onis.com/choose

If students have questions about their spring BC courses, want to make a change, or want to talk to someone they may emailecounselor@www.d-onis.com。E-counselor services are available from Monday to Thursday from 8 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. and 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Fridays.




Brazosport College CHN健康中心现已从上午8点至下午12点开放。星期一和下午1:30- 下午6点在星期二为卑诗省教职员工,教职员工和学生。CHN健康中心位于BC Central的B翼,只能从Tommy's Grill和BC书店附近的庭院进入。可以通过致电(281)824-1480或访问来安排约会www.mychn.orgA pre-registration form is available athttps://portal.mychn.org/enroll/request_enroll.php。The Brazosport College CHN Health Center is an outpatient healthcare facility that provides a variety of services, including adult medicine, chronic care management, behavioral health and women’s health, among other services. CHN accepts most private insurances, Medicaid, Medicare, and CHIP. Uninsured individuals may be eligible for discounted self-pay services based on their family size and household income. CHN strives to provide the highest value of care and therefore offers substantial benefits for people who are uninsured and self-pay.


Brazosport College Health筛查过程供所有来到校园的员工,学生和访客在线。您需要每天打算来Brazosport College Campus填写问卷。The COVID-19 Health Screening questionnaire can be accessed in英语或者西班牙语by visitingwww.www.d-onis.com/screening。该问卷已被设计为快速且简单地填写,并且可以通过所有Internet浏览器,智能手机和平板电脑轻松访问。


Anyone that does not pass the COVID-19 Health Screening questionnaire should not come to campus. Everyone that passes should be prepared to show the confirmation email.

Brazosport College已增加对安全监控的关注,以促进社交距离的安全协议,戴着口罩/掩护,练习良好的卫生等。一旦进入校园,就可以使用确认电子邮件或确认屏幕,以了解您已完成的问卷随机被要求显示完成自我筛查工具的证明。

Upon arrival to campus, you will be able to access all parking lots and enter campus through most entrances. To provide clarification, face masks/coverings are required for all students, employees, and visitors (ages 10 and up) any time on campus.To clarify, face shields are not considered face masks/coverings. If an individual chooses to wear a face shield, the individual must also wear a face mask/covering which fully covers the mouth and nose except as allowed in the following exceptions.例外是:如果您在步道上行走,跑步或骑自行车;如果您在车上;如果您一个人在办公室里,门关闭;如果您是一个焊接学生,则积极焊接并戴焊接面罩;而且,如果您是讲师的讲师,除了保持6英尺外,还可以戴上面罩而不是面罩。距离。否则,所有个人,学生,教职员工,员工,地面饲养员和承包商均应戴上口罩/盖子。

For reference, the CDC defines “close contact” as someone who was within 6 feet of an infected person for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period starting from 2 days before illness onset (or, for asymptomatic patients, 2 days prior to test specimen collection) until the time the patient is isolated.

这些程序可能会发生变化,因此您必须检查您的Brazosport College电子邮件对于前往校园之前的更新。



For individuals needing to self-identify as affected by COVID-19 or notify Brazosport College of COVID-19 incidents involving students, faculty, or staff, please visit//www.d-onis.com/coronavirus/report/

Please note, the COVID-19 Contact/Exposure Report Form is separate and apart from the Health Screening Questionnaire. The COVID-19 Contact/Exposure Form should be completed if you have been exposed to someone or if you have tested positive for COVID-19.